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Ready to Move On?

Make a fresh start with minimal conflict and maximum results. 

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Three Levels of Service

Divorce without court is exactly what it sounds like. Avoiding court means saving time and money. Avoiding court means staying in control of the process. Choose from three options: (1) Divorce Coaching Program, (2) Lawyer-Assisted & Unbundled Legal, and (3) the Collaborative Legal Process

Divorce Coaching Program

Get best practices for a cost-effective non-court divorce process.


Lawyer-Assisted & Unbundled Legal

Best for those who can voluntarily agree to stay out-of-court.


Collaborative Legal

Best for those who can voluntarily agree to stay out of court & who want lawyer representation in the process.


Non-Court Divorce Is For You If...

  • You value privacy
  • You seek a respectful process
  • You want control over the outcome
  • You value cost-effectiveness
  • You prioritize the well-being of your children
  • You prefer customized solutions
  • You want to maintain control over the timeline and costs.
Schedule a 15-Minute Call with Jennifer

Go from Clueless to Confident

Does getting divorced out-of-court appeal to you? Are you looking for a better way to restructure your family?

  • Develop your parenting plan.
  • Learn how to develop your financial 'ask' and reach a property settlement agreement.
  • Learn what it takes to calculate alimony in Utah.

I'm Jennifer L. Neeley

After spending nearly 18 years as a divorce litigation attorney, it struck me how ineffectual the court system was for families who need to restructure and make a fresh start. I knew we, as divorce professionals, could do better to serve the majority of people who want an amicable parting, not a traumatic legal fight. So, in 2018 I started Utah Divorce Coaching & Consulting, LLC to help families do just that--make a fresh start without any unecessary trauma and without spending a fortune.

Today, I use what I've learned in the court system to help people not only avoid court, but receive comprehensive legal guidance, navigate complex legal issues, assess the strengths and weaknesses of their case, and ensure that any agreements reached are legally sound and protect my client's interest and the interests of their children.